List your company

Liquidise unlocks the true value of your company, without the expense, risk and workload of listing on a public stock exchange. 

In a Liquidise transaction, you set the maximum number of shares your investors may sell. New or other existing investors are then able to buy those shares within a set pricing range. Whether you want to clean up your cap table, incentivise your shareholders and staff, or extract liquidity for other reasons, Liquidise gives you control. and oversight of the trading process.

Your stakeholders, investors and employees, can realise the value of the equity they’ve earned from working and investing in your business without having to wait for a traditional liquidity event.

Why choose Liquidise?

Ultimate control for company owners

Liquidise brings all the benefits of listing to unlisted companies, with none of the hassle or expense. Crystallise the value you’ve built in your business; raise new capital; better manage transitions; reward your employees, and manage your cap table.

Liquidity guaranteed

Liquidise’s unique structure means liquidity is locked in before the transaction begins, at a known starting price. The benefits of a cash equity market are delivered to your existing and potential shareholders without the downsides of being listed.

Secure, unique investments

Liquidise undertakes due diligence on all the companies it allows on its platform, delivering secure, direct ownership opportunities in quality unlisted companies, on a secure, regulated platform. Our pre, actual and post-trade administration is both efficient and compliant. ​

Instant, secure transactions

The Liquidise structure means company owners and investors have zero counterparty risk, with instant cash settlement. We are regulated by ASIC and AUSTRAC and hold our own AFSL.

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